Sunday, May 2, 2010

The Post-Apocalyptic Forums Now Open For Discussion

Just stumbled across a new forum for all things "end-of-the-world-ish." The Post-Apocalyptic Forums invites and encourages discussion on all forms of cataclysmic destruction. End-of-the-world books, movies, and TV shows are discussed right next to helpful survival tips to help you weather The End Times. Helpful links and news items could also be of use to Mutant Lords looking to spice up their campaigns. I've added a link over in my Smoldering Sites section or you could click one of the links above.


  1. You find the coolest stuff!

  2. Thanks for the heads-up - I just signed up! =D

  3. Hey,thanks for the plug. Yeah, we only started two weeks ago today, but the community is growing. Could definitely use more members, especially with varied areas of expertise.

    Hope to see you over there.
